
Welcome to Dheiton Ventures Limited

Dheiton Ventures Limited (DVL) is a private limited liability company, incorporated in Kenya. We are a market-driven social enterprise in agribusiness and a lead firm in the poultry value-chain in Kenya. DVL inspires investments and growth in commercially viable, scalable and inclusive production of raw eggs and value-addition into egg products. We aim to boost food security, dignified and fulfilling employment especially for women and youth, support localised adaptation to climate change and strengthen resilience at community level..

Founder Image
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer's Message

Climate change is a global challenge that continues to threaten food security, livelihoods, employment, and well-being of many populations in the world, especially in lower and middle-income countries. However, this trajectory can gradually change if everyone makes a deliberate contribution towards reversing the negative effects of climate change. Dheiton Ventures Limited (DVL) has commenced the journey of supporting smallholder farmers adapt to climate change and strengthen their resilience. We focus on poultry value-chain, particularly in Kenya and across the border. DVL collaborates with strategic public and private sectors actors in a community of practice to inspire financial and technical investments. This partnership delivers value and prosperity to the target small-holder poultry farmers in the focus counties, as well as largely to agro-inputs and services providers in the poultry value-chain.


Who We are

DVL is a woman-led market-driven social enterprise in agribusiness and a specialised lead firm in the poultry value chain in Kenya. We aim to grow rural prosperity through commercial poultry farming, by increasing agricultural productivity & trade, creating dignified & fulfilling jobs, improving households’ incomes, livelihoods & nutrition, practicing circular economy to reduce food loss & waste, generating wealth, accelerating rural economic growth and reducing poverty.

While continuing to leverage on our core expertise in large-scale production of cage free chicken eggs, we have diversified our focus to harness potential of value addition, as well as digitalized integration of the climate vulnerable smallholder poultry farmers and micro & small enterprises in the poultry value chain in Kenya. This is intended to promote profitable, sustainable and inclusive trade in poultry commodities and value added products.

DVL collaborates with the National and County Governments, farmers’ based organisations, smallholder poultry farmers, development partners and private sector.

Our operations initially started in Nyandarua and Laikipia Counties and are gradually expanding to other Counties in Kenya.

Our Vision

Transformed & prosperous lives through sustainable and inclusive growth in climate smart poultry farming in Kenya.

Our Mission

To inspire investments and growth in commercially viable, scalable, inclusive and climate smart production of chicken eggs, value-addition and integration of climate vulnerable smallholder poultry farmers into poultry value chain in Kenya, with strong market linkage.

Our Core Values
1. Professionalism

We enthusiastically deliver solutions and services, as needed by our stakeholders, staff, customers, and service providers.

2. Team Unity

We prudently cultivate a safe and enabling work environment that promotes teamwork at leadership, management, and operational levels.

3. Integrity

We are honest, transparent, accountable, and ethical at all times, in dealing with our stakeholders, customers, service providers, and staff.

4. Quality

We invest in systems that sustainably support quality raw materials acquisition and process products that meet required market standards and customer satisfaction.

5. Collaboration

We are committed to responsive, agile, inclusive, and respectful partnerships with our stakeholders, staff, customers, and service providers.

6. Transformative

We adopt creative and innovative technological solutions for efficient business operations that improve livelihoods and the quality of life.

Theory of Change

DVL’s Theory of Change (ToC) recognizes that climate change is an evolving global crisis, which disproportionately negatively impacts people living in poverty. Small-scale farmers in arid and semi-arid lands are most affected, which pose fundamental threats to their livelihoods, economies, and environment at large.

We know that the climate change leads to increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns, heat waves & stress, droughts, floods, food & livelihoods insecurity and malnutrition. The negative impacts pose risks of severe human & livestock mortality, changes in diseases patterns, severe water shortage and acute decrease of forage & crops yields.

DVL appreciates the need to undertake targeted actions that promote inclusive and impactful climate smart agricultural transformation in Kenya, to achieve sustainable climate adaptation and strengthened community resilience. We therefore grow value together with the farmers, by encouraging and facilitating:

  • Commercial and market oriented large-scale production of chicken eggs,
  • Industrial processing of agricultural commodities, to increase diversification & market value.
  • Capacity building and integration of climate vulnerable smallholder farmers as well as micro & small enterprises into the value chain, by contract farming most of whom are women, youth & persons with special needs.
  • Linking contracted farmers to verified inputs and services providers.
  • Digitalization by application of innovative fintech & agritech solutions.
  • Expanding access to stable domestic & export markets.
  • Practicing circular economy to reduce food loss & waste and green-house gases (GHGs) emissions.


Director 1

Jane Ndiritu

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Director 2

Daniel Muturi

Co-Founder & Director, Enterprise Development
Worker 1

Fridah Kaaria

Head, Technical Services
Worker 2

Simon Ng'ethe

Manager, Poultry Production
Worker 2

Moses Ochola Oduor

Data Analytics & Developer
Advisor 2

Joseph Wambuki

Technical Advisor

Our Impact

DVL plans to achieve internal business performance targets and contribute to the attainment of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kenya's Vision 2030, County Governments development plans, and generate impacts in terms of:
A. Sustained business growth
  • Illustrated by favorable financial performances and impressive operational deliverables.
B .Socio-economic development
  • Illustrated by expanded market access for eggs & egg products, at least 7,000 direct & indirect green jobs created for the contracted smallholder farmers, staff & private sector actors, inclusive rural development and poverty reduction, aligned with SDGs 1, 5, 8 & 9.
C .Nutrition & well-being
  • Illustrated by increased productivity and production of eggs and enhancing the good health & well-being of rural and urban communities, aligned with SDGs 2 and 3.
D .Climate change & environment
  • In view of that poultry is recognized for being among the "greenest" proteins, using up fewer resources and emitting fewer GHGs than larger livestock. Additionally, upcycling of poultry waste to manufacture valuable edible food and useful non-food by-products, hence reducing GHGs emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (NH4), & ammonia (NH3) and improving agricultural productivity, aligned with SDGs 7, 12, and 13.

Advance the United Nations' SDGs, Kenya's Vision 2030, County Governments Development Plans & achieve Internal Business Goals, over the next 5 years

Direct & indirect jobs created
Small-holder poultry farmers' capacity enhanced and contracted
households & Corporate clients served
Tons of poultry waste upcycled
Collaboration-Partnerships established

Let's get in touch

  • Phone Number
    Tel: (+254)202020242, 202020243
  • Email Address


  • Location

    Ndaragwa, off Nyahururu-Nyeri Road, About 250 kilometers North of Nairobi

  • Website URL


  • Social Media